Camp Lejeune: Open for Business or Closed for Good?

Camp Lejeune is a United States Marine Corps base that has been in operation since its inception in 1941. However, over the years, the camp has encountered difficulties that have raised concerns about whether it will remain open for business. Most notably, the contamination of drinking water on the base has been linked to serious health problems in service members and their families.The question of whether Camp Lejeune will continue to operate or be shut down entirely has divided opinions. Some argue that the base's importance as a training ground for Marines makes it indispensable, while others believe that the risks posed by the contaminated water are too great to continue operating the base. As a result, it has become a controversial topic, hotly debated among those who have a stake in the base's future.Despite the controversies surrounding the camp, it remains one of the most important military installations in the United States. Its strategic location, well-trained personnel, and advanced technology make it an essential asset to the nation's defense. However, questions about whether it is safe to operate the camp have raised concerns, and some people are calling for its closure. This article takes a closer look at the current situation at Camp Lejeune, examining both sides of the argument and determining whether the base is open for business or closed for good. Keep reading to find out more!


Camp Lejeune is a United States Marine Corps base that has been operational since its establishment in 1941. It has played a critical role in the training and deployment of military personnel over the years. However, in recent times, the base has faced numerous challenges that have raised concerns about its continued operation. The most significant issue affecting the base is the contamination of its drinking water, which has been linked to severe health complications among service members and their families.


The contamination of water at Camp Lejeune dates back several decades. Between the 1950s and 1980s, the base's water supply was contaminated with various hazardous substances, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, and heavy metals. The contamination occurred due to the improper disposal of waste and the use of toxic substances in daily operations. As a result, thousands of service members and their families were exposed to the contaminated water, leading to health complications such as cancer, birth defects, and neurological disorders.

The impact of the water contamination

The health consequences of exposure to the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune have been significant. A study conducted by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) concluded that exposure to the base's contaminated water could increase the risk of several types of cancer, including leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, liver cancer, and bladder cancer. The study also found that infants born to mothers who were exposed to the contaminated water had an increased risk of birth defects and childhood cancers.

Legal actions taken against Camp Lejeune

Over the years, numerous lawsuits have been filed against the U.S. government and various agencies responsible for the contamination of the water at Camp Lejeune. In 2012, President Barack Obama signed legislation that provided healthcare and financial compensation to affected individuals. The Veterans Affairs Department (VA) also created a program that offered free medical care to veterans and their families who suffered from health complications due to exposure to the contaminated water. As of 2021, over $4 billion in compensation has been provided to affected individuals.

Arguments for Continued Operation

Despite the water contamination, many people believe that Camp Lejeune should continue to operate. Here are some of the arguments supporting the base's continued operation:

The military importance of the base

Camp Lejeune is home to several units that play a critical role in national defense. These include the II Marine Expeditionary Force, which is responsible for global operations, and the Marine Corps Installations East, which provides support and services to marine personnel and their families. The base's strategic location and advanced facilities make it essential to the training and deployment of military personnel.

Economic benefits

The Camp Lejeune community plays a significant role in the economic development of the surrounding region. The base employs thousands of civilian workers, and many local businesses rely on the patronage of military personnel and their families. The closure of Camp Lejeune would have a severe impact on the local economy, leading to job losses and business closures.
Economic Benefits of Camp Lejeune
Employment opportunities for civilians Thousands of civilian jobs depend on the base's operations
Influx of revenue into the local economy Local businesses rely on the patronage of military personnel and their families

Arguments for Closure

Despite the importance of Camp Lejeune to national defense and local economics, some people believe that the base should be shut down permanently. Here are some of the arguments supporting this perspective:

Risk of continued exposure

Despite efforts to address the water contamination issue, some people fear that the risk of continued exposure is too great. The contaminants in the water at Camp Lejeune have long periods of latency, which means health complications may arise years after exposure. As such, continued operation of the base could lead to further health complications for military personnel and their families.

Alternative training grounds

Many people argue that with advances in technology, it is possible for the military to find alternative training grounds that pose no risk to the health of military personnel and civilians. The closure of Camp Lejeune could provide an opportunity for the government to invest in new training facilities that pose no environmental hazards to the surrounding communities.
Arguments for Closure
Risk of continued exposure The contaminants in the water pose a severe risk to the health of military personnel and civilians
Alternative training grounds Advances in technology make it possible to find alternative training grounds that pose no risk to human health


The debate over whether Camp Lejeune should continue to operate or be shut down entirely is one that continues to divide opinions. While the base's military importance and economic benefits cannot be denied, the health risks posed by the contaminated drinking water remain a significant concern. In the end, the decision on whether to keep the base open must balance these competing interests. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that the legacy of the water contamination at Camp Lejeune will continue to be felt for generations to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Camp Lejeune's current status. As you may know, this military base has faced challenges in recent years due to contamination of the water supply. However, it is important to note that despite these challenges, Camp Lejeune remains open for business.

While there have been changes to the way things operate at Camp Lejeune, such as increased monitoring of the water supply, the base is still home to thousands of active duty service members and their families. The community surrounding the base also continues to thrive, with businesses offering services and support to those stationed at Camp Lejeune.

That being said, it is important to keep in mind the ongoing efforts to address the contamination issue and ensure the safety of those living and working at Camp Lejeune. The Department of the Navy has committed to completing remediation efforts and providing solutions to address any ongoing contamination concerns.

We encourage you to visit Camp Lejeune and see all that it has to offer. Whether you are a service member stationed there or simply interested in learning more about this important military base, there are plenty of reasons to explore what Camp Lejeune has to offer. Thank you for your interest in this topic, and we hope to see you at Camp Lejeune soon.

Here are some common questions people ask about Camp Lejeune:

  1. Is Camp Lejeune open for business?
    • Yes, Camp Lejeune is still operational and functioning as a military base.
  2. What happened at Camp Lejeune?
    • Camp Lejeune was the site of water contamination that occurred from the 1950s to the 1980s. The contamination was caused by chemicals that were used at the base, which seeped into the ground and contaminated the water supply.
  3. Is the water at Camp Lejeune safe to drink?
    • The water at Camp Lejeune has undergone extensive testing and treatment since the contamination was discovered. While the water is now considered safe to drink, some people who were exposed to the contaminated water in the past may have health problems as a result.
  4. Are there any health risks associated with living near Camp Lejeune?
    • There is no evidence to suggest that living near Camp Lejeune poses any health risks. The contamination was limited to the base's water supply and did not affect surrounding communities.
  5. Has the government taken responsibility for the contamination at Camp Lejeune?
    • Yes, the government has acknowledged that the contamination occurred and has provided medical care and compensation to those who were affected. However, some people feel that the government has not done enough to address the issue.